Dialog Box

CatholicCare Victoria

Sunday Appeal

Provide caring support for children when they are most vulnerable.

Make a donation

We need your support to help vulnerable children like Mason. 

No child deserves to experience the trauma of domestic violence.

Yet, estimates reveal that over two million children across Australia endure abuse within their homes, before reaching the age of 15.

Today, your compassionate gift will mean that children like Mason are supported and empowered to transcend their trauma. 


Clad in pyjamas, Mason's eyes were fixed on the television with the volume set to an extreme. 

He sought refuge in distractions to cope with the overwhelming distress he endured, witnessing domestic violence since infancy.

For children, the effects of domestic violence ripple into challenges in relationships, learning, and self-esteem, persisting well into adulthood.

You can help transform the lives of children like Mason.

Donate now

Mother and young son with blue eyes.


Mason was labelled as 'non-verbal' until he received support from CatholicCare Victoria.

Mason's experiences for family violence left him feeling isolated and he struggled to articulate his pain.

He was missing the key elements for a nurtured, safe and cheerful childhood - laughter, play, routine and the bond with his primary caregiver.

Children like Mason need your support to be able to access to counselling and compassionate support.

Your generous donation will allow children to reclaim their childhood. You can help transform their lives.


By donating today, your gift today will:
  1. Help children learn essential coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety and challenging situations
  2. Provide counselling sessions for children like Mason, to help address mental health and wellbeing challenges;
  3. Provide families with the support they need to give their children a brighter future.



Jesus calls on us to practice mercy and compassion: especially towards those who are disadvantaged.

Your compassionate generosity will help families thrive at every stage of life, regardless of their socioeconomic status, culture or age. We focus on real life issues and offer relevant, practical support for all members of the family.

With your donation, we are able to support families to navigate relationship challenges, deal with mental health issues, find healthy ways to resolve conflict, assist with parenting arrangements, escape family violence, and who face financial struggles.

Donate now 

*At CatholicCare Victoria, we respect everyone who comes to us for help and many are working towards a fresh start in life. While the stories and quotes are true, the client’s name and images have been changed to protect their privacy.
