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CatholicCare Victoria

Career Planning

Find an area of work you love

Discover what you want to do for a job and what skills are required for the job you choose with this free resource!

Man wearing a hard hat, standing in front of a wind turbine.

Identify areas of work that interest you

Ask yourself these questions when thinking about what you want to do for a job:

  • What am I good at?
  • What do I like doing?
  • What would I like to do?
Discover your skills

When choosing an area of work, it’s helpful to identify the skills you currently have so that you can identify jobs or work areas that use your skill set.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I skilled at?
  • Have I received formal training for a specific skill?
  • What do I have experience with?
Match skills to jobs

Once you’ve thought about what you like doing and your current skills, take a look at the myfuture website.

You’ll find a range of work areas - when you click on these, you’ll be able to see what jobs are within that field of work, and the level of formal training and experience required for each job. 

Visit the MyFuture Website 

Another useful website is Job Outlook (Australian Government), where you can take a career quiz, discover jobs that match your skills, and find careers in demand in your area.

When you’ve identified some jobs that might be suitable for you, ask yourself:

  • What skills do I have that I could bring to that job?
  • What skills do I need to meet the job requirements?
  • Is on the job training provided?
  • Do I need to study?
  • What do I need to study?
  • Where can I study?
  • If study is required, do I want to undertake training?

Exploring Job Vacancies More Resources 

Other services

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