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CatholicCare Victoria


Supported tertiary study for disadvantaged adults

Clemente is a transformative higher education program for disadvantaged adults, supporting them to build self-esteem, develop essential life skills, and get their life back on track. 

If you are aged 18 or over and have experienced significate disadvantage, Clemente can provide you with supported education and opportunities for further tertiary study or employment.

Enrol Now 

Older woman in a library holding books, smiling.

Supported education like no other

For those who have faced significant disadvantage and challenging life circumstances, opportunities for further education can be hard to come by.

Clemente provides supported education to adults, with weekly lectures, access to counselling, and volunteer Learning Partners - who are matched with participants to provide encouragement and assistance with their studies.

The Clemente program supports adults who have experienced issues including (but not limited to):

  • mental illness
  • addiction
  • homelessness
  • imprisonment

Clemente is suitable for people who have:

  • a desire to learn 
  • a commitment to attend weekly lectures and learning sessions 
  • basic literacy: the ability to read and understand a newspaper
  • an Australian citizenship or a student visa
  • stable housing
  • and who are not currently enrolled at university

Gain access to further study and build your confidence

After completing four units of the Clemente program, students receive a Certificate of Liberal Arts from Australian Catholic University. 

This can lead to further tertiary education and/or employment opportunities.

Perhaps more importantly, Clemente gives people an opportunity to gain hope, a sense of wellbeing, and renewed self-respect and determination.

Our Learning Partners provide one-on-one support

Every semester, each Clemente student is matched with their own volunteer Learning Partner to provide tutoring support, direction and encouragement at weekly sessions. 

In collaboration with lecturers and mental health support staff, our Learning Partners contribute to providing wrap-around support to students - helping them to get through their study and manage whatever life throws at them. 

Learning Partners are compassionate and understanding of life's challenges, and have study experience (including degree qualifications) to provide the needed support for all Clemente students - no matter their background.

Register to become a Learning Partner 

How do I access this service?

Individuals aged 18 or over can access the Clemente program by calling one of the locations listed below.

Community service organisations and health professionals can also make referrals into this program by calling us.


There is no charge to access this service.

The Clemente program is jointly funded and run by Australian Catholic University.
Additional supporting bodies include Ballarat City Council, The Ballarat Foundation, Federation University, and Central Highlands Regional Library.

More information

Download the brochure  

Client Rights and Responsibilities 

Contact us

Clemente is offered at the following locations.
To make a booking or enquire about this service, please select your nearest office.

BallaratEast Melbourne


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