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5 +1 Internship Program

Apply for a Internship Supervision Scholarship today

Through a Department of Health & Aging grant, CCV is now offering 5 +1 Internship Supervision Scholarships to successful Provisional Psychologists.

Master of Psychology Supervision Program

For the past 20 years CCV has provided high quality supervision to Master of Psychology students undertaking their 6th year of practice to gain their General Registration.

These Master students work in schools contracted to CCV for counselling services and undertake university studies in parallel with their clinical practice.

5 +1 Internship Pathway

People having completed their Master of Professional Psychology (5 years of study) are called Provisional Psychologists. To gain General Registration, Provisional Psychologists must undertake supervised clinical practice activities outlined in the Guidelines for 5 +1 Internship (Australian Board of Psychology).

Partnership with Provisional Psychologist Hub

Provisional Psychologist Hub Logo

In parallel with our Schools Unit Master of Psychology supervision program, CCV utilising DoHA grant funding has partnered with Provisional Psychologist Hub to offer supervision scholarship to a select group of provisional psychologists planning to undertake the 5 +1 Internship Program.

As part of this initiative, recipients will receive a 12-month supervision membership through Provisional Psychologist Hub with access to professional development, psychometric assessment tools and key tools to empower their success on the journey to general registration.

CCV Supervision Scholarship

The CatholicCare Victoria Supervision Scholarship program will prioritise funding for First Nations communities, culturally and linguistically diverse populations and individuals in underserved regions across Victoria.

In addition to supporting these priority cohorts, scholarships will be directed toward service delivery settings where the need is greatest, including regional, rural, and remote areas, community mental health service and child and youth services.

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