Dialog Box

CatholicCare Victoria


NOTICE: GodStart is now offered through the Archdiocese of Melbourne

We are pleased to advise that from Tuesday 13th April 2021, the GodStart program will be offered through Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Inquiries can be directed to: proclaim@cam.org.au and 9926 5761
Orders can be made at: www.melbournecatholic.org/godstart

Supporting parishes to develop children’s faith 

GodStart is a faith development program that provides resources for parents to help teach their children about the love of God. Parishes purchase and distribute GodStart resources to young families in their community to help them develop their children’s faith from an early age.

How does the program work?

A child’s baptism is a chance to welcome parents to a parish community. Parishes can use GodStart to continue this connection with young families and offer them continued support and companionship as their children learn and grow.

The program encourages parishes to take an active role in supporting parents to play with their children and build their trust.

When children learn to trust their parents and themselves, they have a foundation for trusting a loving God. 



What resources are included?

  • Card kit: includes a set of birthday and activity cards and a small prayer book
  • Prayer book: this makes a beautiful gift for information and orientation days, open days, First Communions, or from school buddies to new prep students
  • Prayer cards

