Home Support
Assistance to navigate housing support, aged care services and advocacy.
Housing Mental Health Pathways
Housing support for people exiting Ballarat Health Services’ Adult Acute mental health inpatient service.
Housing Support for the Aged
Long-term support for stable accommodation and independent living.
Peplow House Crisis Accommodation
Short-term crisis accommodation for single men who are experiencing homelessness.
Community Connections
Advocacy support and referrals to essential health and social services.
Access and Support
Access support to live independently in your home and community.
Supported Residential and Accommodation Services
Improving residents’ access to local health and social services, and build the capacity of SRS proprietors and staff in addressing resident needs.
Advanced care finder
Supporting people to access aged care services or other supports in their local community.
CatholicCare Victoria Housing
A Registered Housing Provider offering affordable community housing options.
Homes First
Support to secure and maintain long-term housing.