Dialog Box

CatholicCare Victoria

A personal reflection on Friendship

I consider myself hugely blessed. I have friendships. Nothing could replace what the friendships in my life have meant and do mean to me. The support, the love, the care, the mutuality. 

All of my friendships have a particular richness. My friendships are from different aspects or facets in my life but each holds a richness of understanding and acceptance. The dear friends who have known me for decades where we have shared both the light and shade of each other. Memories of where apology and forgiveness have deepened our acceptance of each other. We have been there for each other in both the celebratory and the inevitable stresses in life.  


As I reflect, I think of the richness of friendships where we have learnt a common interest or area of study together, navigating the inevitable tentative and embarrassing moments which we share often with humour. The friendships that have grown through working together, developing satisfaction in our daily responsibilities, sharing the challenges and creative solutions together knowing we’re on the same team. 

The friendships where we can invite each other to share our vulnerabilities knowing the mutuality and lack of judgement that is in the presence of each other. The friendships where we can speak of the connectedness and the Spirit that I believe joins us all both in our common humanity and the energy that binds us both within and without. 

The friendships where there is a wide appreciation and curiosity to understand our differences and the breadth these can offer our view on what it is to be human. 

The overarching friendship for me is with the Source - God Energy that is contained and experienced in and expressed through human and life connection. 

All of these friends and our friendships are bound and held close to me through love and the consistent inspiration that they offer me, the memories we hold and the joyful anticipation of our continued connection.  

Today on International Day of Friendship, I hope that you too may take the time to reflect on your own friendships, both past and present, and the richness they have brought into your lives. 

Mary – Relationships Educator 

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30 July 2020
Category: Blog